Thursday, September 19, 2024
Mark Wilson President and CEO | Florida Chamber of Commerce

Florida chamber names House Speaker Paul Renner most valuable legislator

The Florida Chamber of Commerce has unveiled its 2024 "How They Voted" report, naming House Speaker Paul Renner as the Most Valuable Legislator. This recognition highlights Renner's leadership and efforts in passing pro-jobs, Chamber-backed legislative priorities.

Keith Koenig, Chairman of CITY Furniture and Volunteer Chair of the Florida Chamber of Commerce, emphasized the collaboration within the business community. "It’s incredible what gets accomplished for Florida when the Florida Chamber unites the business community like we did again this year," Koenig stated. He also thanked Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Legislature for their efforts in advancing local businesses and diversifying Florida’s economy.

Renner was recognized for his strategic partnership with Senate President Kathleen Passidomo to pass significant legislation, including measures to prevent inconsistent heat safety mandates by local governments. The Chamber praised Renner for prioritizing long-term goals over short-term interests and focusing on free enterprise and job creation.

Renner expressed gratitude for the award: "It’s an honor to be recognized as the 2024 Most Valuable Legislator by the Florida Chamber of Commerce." He acknowledged the Chamber's role as a trusted ally in promoting free enterprise and making Florida more competitive.

Mark Wilson, President and CEO of the Florida Chamber of Commerce, commended Renner's leadership: "Partners in our effort to secure Florida’s future like Speaker Paul Renner don’t come along every day." Wilson highlighted their collaborative work on various issues, including regulatory certainty for local businesses.

In addition to Renner's recognition, 14 legislators received the 2024 Distinguished Advocate Award for their commitment to business community priorities. These legislators include Senate President Kathleen Passidomo, Senator Jim Boyd, Senator Colleen Burton, among others.

The Florida Chamber also released its 2024 Legislative Report Card. The report card provides insights into legislative support for free enterprise and job creation. It revealed that both legislative chambers had an average GPA of 87 percent during the session, with individual grades available through a transparent grading process outlined by the Chamber.

To access detailed information on these recognitions and report cards, readers are directed to specific links provided by the Florida Chamber.

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