Thursday, September 19, 2024
Nathan Hoffman Senior Legislative Director | Foundation for Florida’s Future

Foundation responds to release of 2024 FAST assessment results

Patricia Levesque, Executive Director of the Foundation for Florida’s Future, issued a statement today regarding the year-over-year results from Florida’s statewide student assessments.

“Florida’s students have made remarkable academic progress over the last year. Across virtually every grade, our students scored higher in both English and math assessments than they did in 2023,” Levesque stated.

“This is a testament to the hard work, commitment and resilience of students and their educators, who have focused on learning while maintaining high standards for all students," she continued. "We expect students to achieve a year’s worth of learning in a year’s time. But the work is far from over. Despite these positive results, there are still too many students who are not on grade level for reading and math."

Levesque emphasized that "Florida cannot rest on our laurels. We must continue to strive for excellence to ensure all students reach their full potential.”

Each year, Florida students participate in the state’s assessment program, which includes three progress monitoring assessments. The first two assessments are diagnostic and “low stakes” while the final one is summative and “high stakes,” with results that count in the school’s accountability system.

The Foundation for Florida’s Future measured results from the 2023 progress monitoring 3 assessment against the 2024 progress monitoring 3 assessment results to understand how students are performing year-over-year.

Results are illustrated below:

Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST)—Percent of Students Scoring Grade Level or Higher (Level 3 and Above) on English Language Arts (ELA) and Math

Source: Florida Department of Education

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