Thursday, September 19, 2024
Rick Dolan Florida Forest Service Director | Official Website

Florida takes action against companies violating child safety regulations with banned hemp sales

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson announced enforcement actions against Just Brands, LLC and High Roller Private Label, LLC for selling and manufacturing hemp products attractive to children in violation of s. 581.217(7), F.S. The actions include a five-year ban on the sale of any food products, including hemp products, in Florida for Just Brands, LLC; and a two-year ban on the manufacture of hemp gummies in Florida for High Roller Private Label, LLC.

"One of my top responsibilities as Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture is ensuring the safety of our food and protecting Florida’s consumers, especially our children. These historic enforcement actions mark a significant step in our ongoing efforts to protect kids over profits and rein in the hemp industry in Florida," said Commissioner Wilton Simpson. "Prior to the changes made to Florida law in 2023, Florida’s hemp industry was out of control and products were being sold without restrictions, including allowing sales to children with marketing and packaging specifically targeting them. While I believe Florida’s laws need to be strengthened, make no mistake, we will use every inch of our current authority to protect Florida’s children from these products and go after those who violate the law."

On October 31, 2023, FDACS conducted a food inspection at a Just Brands, LLC facility and found violations including the sale of hemp products attractive to children in violation of s. 581.217(7), F.S. As a result, FDACS issued Stop Sale Orders for 215,154 hemp products. During a reinspection on January 22, 2024, FDACS discovered that Just Brands had violated these orders by relocating the products with shipments tracked to Chicago, Illinois. Subsequent inspections confirmed the removal of all packages from the facility without permission by FDACS.

Between December 6, 2023, and February 5, 2024, Just Brands moved or sold all packages subject to the Stop Sale Orders without FDACS's knowledge.

On April 2, 2024, FDACS conducted an inspection at a High Roller Private Label facility and found over 186,000 packages of hemp products attractive to children in violation of s. 581.217(7), F.S. To prevent potential harm, FDACS issued stop-sale orders for these packages along with others containing synthetic cannabinoids.

During the 2023 legislative session, Commissioner Simpson worked with the Florida Legislature to reform state hemp laws aimed at better protecting consumers and children through SB 1676. The bill added age requirements for purchasing hemp products intended for human consumption and prohibited sales that are attractive to children.

To enforce these laws effectively across all counties in July and August of last year alone saw more than 700 businesses inspected statewide uncovering over several thousand such product violations since then totaling more than half-a-million unsafe items removed so far under this initiative.

For more information about Commissioner Simpson and the Florida Department of Agriculture visit their official website at


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