Thursday, September 19, 2024
Cord Byrd Florida Secretary of State | Official Website

Ormond Beach Main Street honored as Florida's August main street program


Secretary of State Cord Byrd announced that Ormond Beach Main Street in Volusia County has been designated the August 2024 Florida Main Street Program of the Month.

“It is my pleasure to recognize the hard work and accomplishments of Ormond Beach Main Street,” said Secretary Byrd. “Over the last 30 years, Ormond Beach Main Street has transformed the community from one known solely for salt, sand, and speed into a hub for homegrown businesses and pristine parks that honors the city’s rich and diverse history.”

Native Americans, including the Timucua and other tribes, occupied and established thriving settlements in the area now known as Ormond Beach before the arrival of Spanish and British settlers on the Halifax peninsula. During the late 1700s and early 1800s, sugar cane planters, shipbuilders, and railroad magnates further developed the area. The town was incorporated in 1880 and named Ormond in honor of James Ormond II, whose plantation was located north of town. In the 1830s, many plantations and mills near Ormond were destroyed during the Seminole Wars. Development languished until after the Civil War with railroads arriving in the 1880s.

With building of a rail line to Ormond in 1886 and a bridge over Halifax River in 1887, tourism began to flourish. In 1888, Hotel Ormond opened with 75 rooms; it was later bought by railroad magnate Henry Flagler in 1890. By early 20th century, Ormond Beach became a vacation home for millionaires and automobile manufacturers.

The idea for beach racing originated at Hotel Ormond in 1902 when J.F. Hathaway observed a bicycle race on the beach and noted that heavily packed sand would be perfect for driving his automobile. The first race was held in 1903; for half a century thereafter, titles like “Birthplace of Speed” were synonymous with Ormond Beach. "Beach" was added to its name in 1950; beach racing ended after Daytona International Speedway's construction in Daytona Beach in 1959.

Founded in 1995, Ormond Beach Main Street has worked to bring vitality while retaining its small-town charm. The district includes seven small parks, an art museum, five historical sites along with restaurants, galleries, shops, and services. Since inception, it received $107 million-plus investments resulting in new businesses creating jobs; volunteers contributed thousands of hours.

Ormond Beach Main Street oversaw Granada Boulevard beautification creating annual events attracting residents/visitors working closely with City on redesign projects distributing Building Improvement Grants through Design Committee.

Recently recognized as award-winning organization receiving Secretary Awards for Business Owner/Board Member Year; Executive Director Rebecca Parker also received Civic Engagement Award among others for leadership roles saying: “We are immensely proud to celebrate this honor... our Board Directors/volunteers/staff/local businesses/civic partners all work tirelessly making Historic Ormond Beach heart beating... ongoing commitment creates place people want visit/spend lives/grow families.”

For more information on Ormond Beach Main Street visit their website or follow on Facebook.

To learn more about Florida Main Street program visit their website or follow on social media platforms.


About Florida Main Street

Florida Main Street is administered by Division Historical Resources under Department overseeing communities statewide implementing National Center’s Approach encouraging economic development within historic preservation context revitalizing downtowns community’s heart/soul.



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