Friday, January 17, 2025
Bob Dearden Chief Financial Officer/chief Operating Officer | Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association

Carol Dover inducted into VISIT FLORIDA Tourism Hall of Fame

Carol Dover, President and CEO of the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (FRLA), was inducted into the Florida Tourism Hall of Fame during the Chairman’s Dinner at the annual VISIT FLORIDA Governor’s Conference on Tourism in Tampa. The induction recognizes individuals "whose vision, creativity, and drive have had a positive and significant impact on the development of Florida as a desirable visitor destination."

“I am deeply honored to be inducted into the Florida Tourism Hall of Fame,” said Carol Dover. “This recognition is not just a reflection of my individual efforts but a testament to the unwavering support of my faith, family, and the incredible dedication of our team. Over the past 30 years, our collective vision and hard work have shaped the hospitality and tourism industry in profound ways. This achievement is as much a celebration of their commitment as it is of my own. I am truly grateful for this distinction and look forward to continuing our journey of excellence together.”

Dover has led FRLA for 30 years, focusing on protecting, educating, and promoting Florida’s $112 billion hospitality industry and its two million employees. Her tenure includes significant achievements such as repealing an alcohol beverage tax that saved hotels and restaurants billions of dollars; advocating for VISIT FLORIDA funding; protecting Tourist Development Taxes; creating events to attract visitors post-disasters like hurricanes, Zika virus outbreaks, COVID-19 pandemic; lobbying for curbside service during COVID-19; and passing alcohol-to-go legislation.

Initially hired to run the Florida Restaurant Association, Dover relocated it from Hollywood to Tallahassee for better access to state leaders. In 2006, she facilitated its merger with the Florida Hotel & Motel Association to form FRLA.

Dover expanded the Florida ProStart Program into one serving over 215 schools with more than 30,000 students annually. She also contributed significantly to establishing Ocala as "the Horse Capital of the World" through her promotion of equestrian events.

FRLA continues its mission daily to protect, educate, and promote Florida's hospitality industry while advancing priorities that benefit its more than 10,000 members.

The FRLA is a non-profit trade association founded in 1946 that merged with the Florida Hotel & Motel Association in 2006. It represents independent hoteliers and restaurateurs among others within Florida's nearly $112 billion hospitality sector.
