Thursday, September 19, 2024
Roger Young Executive Director | Florida Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission

FWC celebrates milestone with 15,000 approved trophy bass catches

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) announced a significant milestone for its TrophyCatch program, marking the approval of 15,000 trophy bass catches.

The TrophyCatch program, a cornerstone of FWC’s efforts to promote and conserve Florida’s bass fishing, invites anglers to submit their impressive catches of bass weighing 8 pounds or more. Designed to enhance understanding of the state’s bass population and encourage conservation, the program has achieved notable participation and success.

Since its launch in 2012, TrophyCatch has grown into a widespread community of anglers committed to fishing responsibly while celebrating their catches. Participants in the program submit photographs and other documentation of their bass, and those that meet the program’s criteria are rewarded, recognized, and celebrated.

"Reaching 15,000 trophy catches is an incredible accomplishment for our program," said Tom Graef, Director of FWC’s Division of Freshwater Fisheries Management. "This milestone underscores the enthusiasm of our anglers and the exceptional bass fishing opportunities in Florida. It also demonstrates the value of the data we collect, which is essential for ongoing conservation and management efforts."

The program’s success highlights Florida's status as a premier bass fishing destination. Through TrophyCatch, FWC collects crucial data on bass sizes, weights, and locations, aiding in ongoing efforts to manage and sustain the state's fish populations.

Many TrophyCatch conservation partners have supported the program since its inception. Their dedication and investment in Florida’s conservation efforts are key to its successes. Industry partnerships including Bass Pro Shops, Mercury Marine, and Phoenix Bass Boats reward anglers for their contributions to science and freshwater management efforts.

TrophyCatch is a citizen-science promotional conservation program that rewards anglers who catch, document, and release bass weighing 8 pounds or heavier throughout Florida. Data collected by the program help FWC better enhance, conserve, and promote trophy bass fishing. Anglers who wish to participate — and who want to be included in this year’s boat drawing — can visit to register and learn more.


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