Thursday, September 19, 2024
Jill Hazelbaker | LinkedIn

Uber and MADD unite to combat drunk driving: ridesharing proven to save lives in Florida and beyond

A joint initiative to combat drunk driving in the U.S., called "Decide to Ride" was launched by partners Uber, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), and Anheuser-Busch as they address rising alcohol-impaired fatalities.

The campaign uses a combination of digital, print, and out-of-home advertising, along with Uber ride discounts, to encourage consumers to choose not to drive if they've been drinking. The initiative reaches people through platforms like Instagram, Spotify, and during NFL games, with support from NFL teams and players.

"Uber is honored to stand shoulder to shoulder with MADD in our unwavering commitment to eliminate impaired driving," said Jill Hazelbaker, Uber’s chief marketing officer and senior vice president of communications and public policy. "We’re proud to be part of the solution to ending alcohol-related crashes by making it easy to make the right choice.” 

According to a report published by a West Palm Beach addiction treatment facility, Florida ranked 34th among U.S. states for drunk driving in a Forbes study, indicating a relatively better situation compared to other states. Key statistics show that alcohol-related incidents account for a significant portion of traffic deaths in the state. In 2021, 38,000 DUI cases involved crashes, with 5,111 drivers under the influence of alcohol, 747 under a single drug, and 414 under multiple substances. 

As of 2024, 5.09 drunk drivers per 100,000 licensed drivers were involved in fatal accidents, with Florida’s alcohol-impaired driving fatality rate higher than the national average. The state's DUI cases have steadily decreased, largely due to the increased use of rideshares, better education, and a decline in younger people driving.

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) confirmed that ridesharing services like Uber have significantly reduced alcohol-related car crashes. Conducted by researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center, the study analyzed data from Houston between 2007 and 2019 and found a 23.8% decrease in motor vehicle traumas after Uber's 2014 market entry, particularly on weekend nights. 

An MIT study investigated the impact of ridesharing on traffic fatalities, using proprietary data from Uber at the Census tract level. It found that ridesharing has consistently reduced traffic fatalities, particularly during nights and weekends, with a 5.2% decrease in areas where Uber operates. The study estimated that the annual life-saving benefits of ridesharing amounted to $6.8 billion. 

On February 3, 2023 Uber announced that it had joined the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Call to Action for Road Safety, committing to reduce roadway fatalities through the Vision Zero strategy and the Safe System Approach. Uber dedicated $500,000 to impaired-driving prevention across five high-risk states and continues expanding bike lane alerts and safety checklists for couriers. The company is also leveraging its scale and partnerships with organizations like MADD and Anheuser-Busch to further promote road safety. 

Jill Hazelbaker is the Chief Marketing Officer and Senior Vice President of Communications & Public Policy at Uber, overseeing global teams responsible for marketing, communications, and public policy. Before Uber, she held leadership roles at Snap Inc. and Google, managing communications and government relations across multiple regions. Jill began her career in U.S. politics, working on several election campaigns, including as National Communications Director for Senator John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign. Recognized as a top female leader in tech, she lives in Washington, DC, with her family.