Friday, September 20, 2024
Greg Britton State Director for the Florida Small Business Development Center Network | Official Website

Jacksonville sees employment rise despite slight uptick in unemployment rate

FloridaCommerce Announces Jacksonville Metro Area Employment Data for August 2024

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — FloridaCommerce reported a 1.5% increase in total private sector employment in the Jacksonville area over the year in August 2024, translating to an addition of 10,600 jobs. The area's unemployment rate stood at 3.7%, up by 0.3 percentage points from the previous year's rate of 3.4%.

The labor force in the Jacksonville metro area was recorded at 848,145, marking a decrease of 0.9 percentage points over the year. Notably, the education and health services industry sector experienced significant growth, adding 3,700 jobs since August 2023.

Statewide, Florida's private sector job growth surpassed the national average with a growth rate of 2.1% over the year since August 2023 compared to the national rate of 1.4%. This performance is attributed to strategic investments in workforce education and development aimed at creating high-demand and high-wage jobs.

Florida’s statewide unemployment rate was reported at 3.3%, nearly one percentage point lower than the national rate of 4.2%, maintaining this trend for 46 consecutive months. Florida employers have added jobs in all but two months out of the last fifty-two months, consistently exceeding national job growth rates for forty-one consecutive months.

In August 2024, the leisure and hospitality sector led job gains among major industries with an addition of 7,300 jobs (+0.6%) from July, followed by education and health services which saw an increase of 3,900 jobs (+0.3%). Over the same period since August 2023, Florida's labor force grew by approximately 7,000 individuals (+0.1%).

Governor Ron DeSantis declared September as Workforce Development Month Development Month to highlight these advancements. Since taking office in 2019, Florida has invested more than $8.5 billion into workforce education initiatives.

These investments include:

- Nearly $400 million directed towards workforce and infrastructure for the semiconductor industry since 2022.

- Over $200 million allocated for expanding Career and Technical Education programs via the Workforce Development Capitalization Grant Program.

- More than $257 million awarded through the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund promoting public infrastructure and workforce education opportunities.

The state’s support for Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs has resulted in:

- A rise of registered apprentices by 45%.

- A surge in apprenticeship and preapprenticeship programs by 40%.

- An increase in apprenticeable occupations by approximately110%.

Florida continues to achieve top rankings including:

- #1 in talent development.

- #1 in higher education.

- #1 economy nationwide according to U.S News & World Report and CNBC.

- #1 in new business formations with over three million established since January2019; already registering424144 formations within this year alone.

With an annual GDP nearing $1.6 trillion dollars; if considered independently as a nation-state -Florida would be ranked sixteenth largest globally.

Job creators continue investing confidently within Floridian markets generating high-skill-high-wage opportunities ensuring economic resilience extending future generations’ prosperity statewide offering myriad educational & developmental resources benefiting both employees & employers alike thus securing continued success regionally/nationally/globally thereby enhancing overall socio-economic landscapes comprehensively:

Resources Available For Job Seekers Include:

Florida Labor Exchange Marketplace – Employ Florida: Connecting prospective employees/training/education/job creation sectors effectively aligning skilled talents accordingly

CareerSource Network Local Career Centers: Providing personalized career counseling skills assessments resume assistance placement supports amongst other tailored services aiding employability enhancements significantly

Apprentice Florida Partnership Initiatives: Collaboratively built between Department Of Education / Commerce/CareerSource Entities Expanding Apprenticeship Programs Statewide Ensuring Holistic Growth Opportunities Available Broadly Across Diverse Demographics Equitably Promoting Inclusive Developments Pervasively Fostering Sustainable Progressions In All Aspects Universally Benefiting Entire Communities Profoundly

Veterans Transitioning Supportive Mechanisms Via Veterans Specific Employment Advocacy Programs Facilitating Seamless Civilian Integration Processes Through Various Tailored Services Offered Exclusively Catering To Military Families Enhancing Their Overall Quality Life Post Service Periods Effectively Bridging Gaps Between Active Duty & Civilian Livelihoods Respectively

For further details on regional employment data or additional information pertaining thereto please visit official site provided below inclusive related links/resources therein:

Further insights can be accessed via "Florida Insight" portal inclusive video tutorials elucidating data comprehensively aiding user understandings thoroughly enhancing overall informational accessibility substantially empowering informed decision-making processes universally benefiting stakeholders extensively thereby fostering progressive developments sustainably advancing collective goals holistically moving forward proactively positively perpetuating continued successes consistently across board perpetually



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