Saturday, January 18, 2025
Cord Byrd Florida Secretary of State |

Vilano Beach honored as Florida Main Street Program of November

Vilano Beach Main Street, located in St. John's County, has been named the Florida Main Street Program of the Month for November 2024, as announced by Secretary of State Cord Byrd.

"Vilano Beach Main Street has made a significant impact in their community over the last 20 years," stated Secretary Byrd. "It has helped the community embrace its identity as a destination revisiting the glamour of a century ago, while planning sustainability for the century to come."

Vilano Beach is situated on a barrier island east of St. Augustine, known as the oldest continuously occupied city founded by Europeans in continental America. Historically used by indigenous Timucua people and early Spanish settlers for fishing and hunting, Vilano Beach saw its first permanent American settlement in 1890 following Henry Flagler’s railway development.

The area gained popularity with Highway A1A's arrival and Vilano Beach Bridge's construction in 1926, leading to increased accessibility and visitors. The subsequent opening of Vilano Beach Casino in 1927 brought entertainment options like big bands and fine dining.

Post-World War II marked a resurgence for Vilano Beach with new homes and motels emerging as returning veterans sought leisure opportunities. Today, Highway A1A is known as the Jimmy Buffett Memorial Highway and was designated an All-American Road in 2021.

Modern-day Vilano Beach offers recreational activities such as kayaking, paddleboarding, surfing, and fishing alongside vibrant public spaces like Vilano Beach Pier. Local businesses thrive with diverse dining options emphasizing fresh seafood complemented by food festivals. Cultural events include monthly Artisan Markets fostering community spirit and annual festivities like “Vibe-Rations” music festival.

Since joining Florida Main Street in 2003, Vilano Beach reported over $44 million investments, 25 new businesses, 355 jobs created, and over 19,000 volunteer hours enhancing the organization. Recently recognized at the Secretary of State’s Florida Main Street Awards, VBMS won three awards: Volunteer of the Year for Laurel Berntsen; Budget Hawk award for Vilanoscape Strike Team; Four Point Warrior award for applying Main Street Four Point Approach effectively.

VBMS Board President Linda LaCerva remarked on the town's unique character: “Vilano Beach is a cool little town full of vibrant and eclectic people. It’s the residents and business owners that have created the vibe and Vilano Beach Main Street helps to keep it moving forward.”

For more information about Vilano Beach Main Street or Florida Main Street program visit their respective websites or follow them on social media platforms.