Port Tampa Bay, in collaboration with Audubon Florida, is urging recreational boaters to exercise caution and respect for wildlife during the 2024 nesting season. The port's dredge material management areas and spoil islands in Hillsborough Bay serve as crucial nesting grounds for globally significant populations of migratory birds throughout the summer. These islands fall under the oversight of the Migratory Bird Protection Interagency Committee.
The official nesting season runs from April 1 through August 31, 2024. This initiative represents a joint effort between Port Tampa Bay, Audubon Florida, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and various local, state, and federal agencies.
The islands offer a protected habitat for rare and threatened species like American Oystercatchers and Least Terns to complete their reproductive cycle. Each year, these islands become key nesting sites in the bay area, hosting thousands of birds. During the 2023 season, spoil island 3D accommodated nearly 4,300 pairs of nesting birds from various species including terns (such as Least Tern), American Oystercatchers, Black Skimmers, among others. Another spoil island to the north called 2D saw activity from American Oystercatchers—a threatened species.
Paul Anderson, Port Tampa Bay President and CEO stated: “Port Tampa Bay is proud to welcome the thousands of migratory nesting birds who make our spoil islands their home each summer. We are proud of our environmental record and take great care to protect the natural resources that make our region special. We encourage everyone to do their part to protect the species that thrive in Tampa Bay.”
Audrey DeRose-Wilson from Audubon Florida added: “Florida provides critical nesting habitat for unique sea, shore, and wading birds. We can work together to avoid disturbing the birds during this critical time by giving them plenty of space, disposing of trash properly (including fishing lines), and respecting posted areas protecting nesting birds.”