Florida organizations and advocacy groups are raising concerns over a leaked proposal suggesting $2.3 trillion in cuts to Medicaid, a program crucial for many residents. The proposal was first reported by Politico and has prompted reactions from several health care policy experts and beneficiaries during a virtual press conference.
Erica Monet Li, a policy analyst at Florida Policy Institute, highlighted the potential impact of these cuts on the state’s Medicaid funding. “These cuts include $9.8 billion dollars worth of per-capita cuts that would limit the amount of money Florida could receive for its Medicaid program,” she stated.
Joan Alker from Georgetown University Center for Children and Families emphasized the difficult choices states might face if such cuts were implemented. She noted, “Cuts of this magnitude would force states to make very painful choices about cutting services, cutting benefits, reducing payments to providers, or cutting eligibility.”
The press conference also featured personal accounts from Florida residents who rely on Medicaid. Virginia, an adult recipient with a disability in Alachua County, shared her reliance on Medicaid for daily assistance: “With Medicaid’s help, I’ve been able to have a home health aide come every morning and every night... If Congress were to cut Medicaid, I don’t know how I would live.”
Rev. Latifah Griffin expressed concerns about caring for her son with cerebral palsy without Medicaid support: “If Congress cut Medicaid, I would struggle to take care of him.”
Andrea Dumala discussed losing access to healthcare after the end of federal continuous coverage provisions: “I've been deeply impacted by losing Medicaid coverage... our healthcare system is incredibly broken at the time you need it the most.”
Alison Yager from Florida Health Justice Project urged officials to oppose any reductions in federal funding: “We call upon our elected officials to reject any proposals that would cut federal Medicaid funding.” Acadia Jacobs from Florida Voices for Health reiterated this sentiment: “Medicaid is an immensely popular program that provides a lifeline... Any cuts... run counter to the needs of constituents.”
The discussion underscores widespread concern over potential changes affecting millions who depend on this essential service.