Thursday, September 19, 2024
Mark Wilson President and CEO | Florida Chamber of Commerce

Addressing educational barriers critical for reengaging Florida's disconnected youth

Florida’s future and economic success depend on engaging all Floridians, including an often overlooked population: disconnected youth. Ensuring these young Floridians have every opportunity to secure a path to prosperity is essential. However, barriers to obtaining a high school diploma or equivalent (e.g., a GED) often limit prosperity for many of these individuals.

Florida’s “disconnected youth” are individuals ages 16 to 24 who are not working and not in school. Approximately 11.3 percent of Florida’s youth are disconnected, a rate that is slightly higher than the national average of 10.9 percent. This means there are almost 267,000 disconnected youth residing in Florida who need to be re-engaged. Disconnected youth face unique challenges and, in Florida, are living in poverty at higher rates than connected youth (29.6 percent compared to 14.2 percent, respectively) and are more often uninsured (29.9 percent compared to 13.8 percent).

Nearly one-quarter of Florida’s disconnected youth (23.7 percent, or approximately 63,250) also do not have a high school diploma or equivalent.

The absence of a high school degree or equivalent has further implications as youth attempt to transition into the workforce. On average, more education is associated with higher earnings and increased likelihood of economic self-sufficiency. Recent U.S. Census data show adults in Florida aged 25 or older with a high school diploma have a median income 23 percent higher than those without a high school diploma, and Floridians with some college (e.g., a postsecondary certificate, industry certification, or college coursework without any credential) or an associate’s degree have an income 47 percent higher on average than those without a high school diploma.

These differences vary based on the region of the state, the type of employment, and the postsecondary credential earned, but the story is clear—disconnected youth who we seek to reintegrate into the workforce will miss out on substantial earning potential without a high school diploma or GED.

Further, within the disconnected youth population in Florida, there is a clear disadvantage among those without a high school diploma or GED as they have higher rates of poverty and being uninsured compared to disconnected youth with at least a high school diploma or GED.

Options for reengaging Florida’s disconnected youth include joining one of the state’s public adult education programs or GED preparation courses—such as those available through Get There FL—or enrolling in one of the Integrated Education and Training (IET) programs that combine adult education with career-specific training.

For those who do not seek to earn their GED, pursuing industry-recognized credentials can be another pathway; however, this option often requires specific training typically obtained through formal education programs which necessitate having at least a high school diploma or equivalent.

Additionally, while some industry certifications can be earned independently from traditional classroom instruction—especially in fields like information technology—the lack of formal educational qualifications may still hinder long-term career advancement opportunities.

In addressing these challenges faced by Florida's disconnected youth, it becomes evident that economic prosperity and well-being significantly hinge on access to education. With nearly one-quarter lacking basic educational qualifications such as a high school diploma or equivalent, pathways to prosperity remain obstructed for many.

To bridge this gap effectively involves investing in educational opportunities tailored specifically for these individuals while providing additional support mechanisms aimed at facilitating their reintegration into both educational institutions and subsequently into skilled labor markets.

For questions about this writeup and/or to learn about the Florida Chamber Foundation’s efforts to secure economic prosperity for Florida's disconnected youth contact


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