Thursday, September 19, 2024
J. Alex Kelly Florida’s Secretary of Commerce | Official Website

FloridaCommerce awards $1.5 million to foster local economic growth

On August 15, 2024, FloridaCommerce awarded technical assistance and planning grant funding to 25 Florida communities, including 20 small and rural communities, to foster economic growth. The grants, totaling over $1.5 million through the Community Planning Technical Assistance (CPTA) and Competitive Florida Partnership programs, will support various job creation strategies.

"Under Governor DeSantis' leadership FloridaCommerce spends the vast majority of its time focused on the front end of community development conversations, focusing on the long-term needs that communities have to create great ecosystems for job seekers and job creators," said Florida Secretary of Commerce J. Alex Kelly. "The CPTA and Competitive Florida grants are exactly those kinds of early-stage opportunities to help communities inform and invest in the best ways to position themselves for job growth, helping more communities contribute to what Florida has become – the best ecosystem for job creation in the world."

The CPTA grant program aims to strengthen communities through resilient, long-term economic development strategies. Similarly, the Competitive Florida Partnership program supports communities in developing plans to attract new businesses and create workforce opportunities.

These awards build upon over $5.9 million awarded to more than 90 Florida communities through the program since 2019.

Communities receiving funding through the CPTA grant program include:

- Bradford County ($75,000) – To create an Economic Development Strategy.

- Central Florida Regional Planning Council/Regional Capacity ($75,000) – To prepare reports documenting planning support needs.

- City of Bowling Green/Central Florida Regional Planning Council ($40,000) – To update the Community Redevelopment Plan.

- City of Carrabelle ($68,475) – To develop a plan analyzing existing conditions at the airport.

- City of Crestview ($72,800) – To formulate a Community Redevelopment Area Downtown Activation Roadmap Tactic (DART).

- City of Lakeland ($75,000) – To create a strategic plan for Memorial Blvd.

- City of Palatka ($75,000) – To assist in updating the City's comprehensive plan.

- City of Palatka ($40,000) – For market research and a Strategic Visioning Workshop.

- City of Panama City ($75,000) – To update the Comprehensive Plan post-Hurricane Michael (2018) and Hurricane Sally (2020).

- City of South Bay ($75,000) – For a Vision and Master Plan along with a Mobility and Transportation Safety Action Plan.

- City of Starke ($58,500) – For a visioning plan focusing on downtown pedestrian-friendly areas.

- City of Wauchula ($25,000) – To update historic preservation requirements in zoning codes.

- East Central Florida Regional Planning Council ($115,000) - For strategic planning recommendations benefiting Four Corners CDP.

- Franklin County ($75,000) - For an aviation engineering report at Apalachicola Regional Airport.

- Glades County($40 ,00 ) -For updated impact fee studies

Hardee County($45 ,00 ) -To update Local Mitigation Strategy Plan

Highlands County($75 ,00 ) -For five-year Economic Development Strategic Plan

Levy County($75 ,00 ) -To update Comprehensive Plan data

Marion County($75 ,00 ) -For Planned Service Area Study

Northeast Florida Regional Council($44 ,00 ) -Support small shrimping businesses

Okeechobee County($75 ,00 ) -Prepare Existing Conditions Assessment

Taylor County($50 ,00 ) -Create Economic Development Strategic Plan

Wakulla County($75 ,00 ) Prepare Sewer Feasibility Study

Communities receiving funding through the Competitive Florida Partnership grant program include:

-City Perry(35,$860)-Prepare redevelopment plan

DeSoto county(30,$860)-Develop revitalization plan

For more information about these programs click here:


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