Southern Poverty Law Center Florida News

Legal groups challenge Florida DOC's attempt to reclaim excessive force settlement

The motion, filed on behalf of Jason Baez, challenges a $547,850 lien by the Florida Department of Corrections (FDC). The lien was instituted in July 2024 after Baez settled a lawsuit against FDC officers who beat him so severely that he lost an eye. If allowed to stand, FDC would take back the money it paid to settle the lawsuit, leaving Baez with debt and a lifelong disability when he is released from prison.

SPLC criticizes New College of Florida's disposal of gender and diversity books

TALLAHASSEE, Fla — Yesterday, the New College of Florida discarded hundreds of library books focused on LGBTQ+, diversity, and religious studies topics, including collections from its former Gender and Diversity Center. Neither students nor the public were given the opportunity to acquire or adopt these books before they were discarded or damaged, as provided by FS 273.

SPLC reaffirms commitment against criminalizing homelessness after Supreme Court ruling

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has reaffirmed its commitment to ending the criminalization of homelessness following a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision.

Parents challenge DeSantis' policy on book bans as discriminatory

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida, argues that H.B. 1069 discriminates against parents who oppose book bans and censorship. It gives parents who favor censorship a formal process to challenge a local school board’s decision to keep a book on school shelves, while parents opposed to censorship are excluded from the process altogether. The plaintiffs, parents of students in Florida public schools, are seeking review of their local school boards’ decisions to remove or restrict books in their children’s school districts and do not...